Writing a Company History
With social responsibility becoming an increasingly significant factor in a brand’s presence, writing a company history is a must.
With social responsibility becoming an increasingly significant factor in a brand’s presence, writing a company history is a must.
At the beginning of the year, experts predicted trends that turned out to be accurate. But the most significant one may be surprising.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become an essential tool for Public Relations (PR) professionals, showing promise in reshaping the industry.
Are media and press kits necessary? Yes, they are still relevant for both online and offline businesses.
With the explosive growth of social media in recent years, it’s clear that reputation management continues to grow in importance. Yet, how does one make an effective campaign for reputation management? Launching effective marketing campaigns comes down to establishing specific objectives and being consistent with your consumer base.
The press release continues to serve as one of many essential communication tools, especially in business-to-business public relations. This post goes over what a press release is, why they are still relevant, and the basics for writing one.
So, you have joined the ranks of new graduates this year? Bravo! Congratulations, and good luck to you! In the spirit of helping, the St. Conti Communications team has put together some of its favorite tips for new graduates for success in business and life.
Have you ever wondered why business-to-business companies include an industry analyst outreach program as part of public relations activities? If so, you’re not alone. In the 20 years that St. Conti Communications has provided public relations services to high-technology and other business-to-business companies, we’ve been asked about this many times.
For any PR professional at any stage of their career, the article, "Clay Christensen’s Milkshake Marketing," from the Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge site is worth a read. The main takeaway: communicate from the perspective of the consumer, the audience.
Persuasion is the name of the game when it comes to public relations (PR) and marketing. But just how old is the art of persuasion and how different is it today?