Donna St. Jean Conti

About Donna St. Jean Conti

Donna St. Jean Conti is president of St. Conti Communications, an award-winning, full-service, marketing communications agency specializing in public relations, social media, and writing support. For more information about our agency and how we can help you create content and promote your products or services, contact Donna St. Jean Conti, APR, at dconti(at) 

Growing Your Brand’s Reputation

By |2023-09-17T19:48:22+00:00August 29th, 2023|Marketing Communications|

With the explosive growth of social media in recent years, it’s clear that reputation management continues to grow in importance. Yet, how does one make an effective campaign for reputation management? Launching effective marketing campaigns comes down to establishing specific objectives and being consistent with your consumer base.

Industry Analyst Relations Programs For B2B Companies

By |2023-03-29T15:59:42+00:00March 28th, 2023|Public Relations|

Have you ever wondered why business-to-business companies include an industry analyst outreach program as part of public relations activities? If so, you’re not alone. In the 20 years that St. Conti Communications has provided public relations services to high-technology and other business-to-business companies, we’ve been asked about this many times.

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